Aw! Looks like it's ON between these two:
Aw! Good Charlotte's Benji Madden just confirmed his relationship with Cameron Diaz in a radio interview. Well, kind of. It's as much of a confirmation as you're going to get when you're dating the mega babe A-lister that is Cameron. PA Photos Speaking to Nova FM radio host DJ Wippa, Benji and his brother, Joel were asked about their love lives: "You guys are both maturing now, you've got families, you're both in love...Both got girls. Both got chicks and stuff" Wippa said, clearly hoping to get a mention of Cameron out of Benji. Joel replied "Life is good, man" before Benji added, "We're lucky guys!" Yep, you ARE lucky to be going out with the stone cold fox that is Cameron Diaz, Benji - although we also think you're a really cute couple.