Siege gunman was facing up to FIFTY sexual offence charges
Rape of a woman while posing as a spiritual healer, 50 sex assaults and threatening to shoot his ex-wife, who has since been murdered: The criminal file of siege gunman revealed... so why WAS he on bail? The gunman behind the Sydney cafe siege was facing up to 50 sexual offence charges, according to court documents The documents allege that Man Haron Monis painted the breasts of women and raped them in his 'spiritual healing' sessions The sessions are alleged to have taken place over 13 years at locations around Sydney Documents also allege that he threatened to shoot the mother of his two sons around two years before her brutal murder Monis was on bail and due to face court in February His mental state had previously been discussed by Australian and Iranian officials Court documents show that the dead gunman behind the siege of a Sydney cafe was facing up to 50 sexual offence charges, including aggravated sexual assault, aggravated indecent assault and inciting a teenage gi...