Lady Gaga reveals she was bankrupt at the height of career
When you think of Lady Gaga, you can't help but think of crazy outfits (meat dress, anyone?), her wacky antics and her incredible talent. But you also think she's rich. Well, she is - obviously. But she wasn't in 2009, at the peak of her career with theMonster Ball tour.

In an upcoming documentary, Who the F**k is Arthur Fogel?, Lady Gaga reveals that her entire fortune was spent on Monster Ball's elaborate production.
The show, which is about Arthur Fogel, the Live Nation CEO, has Lady Gagaadmitting to her financial difficulties:
"I had $3million in the bank to my name and I threw it all in to make my stage," she said. "So I was bankrupt during the show."

The 27-year-old wordwide superstar also revealed that her family were confused at how little money she had…
She remembers a conversation with her dad: "I remember I went home and I was with my dad and he said, 'I don't understand. Bad Romance is out. You are all over the radio. Everyone is talking about you and you don't have a pot to p*ss in'.
"I said, 'Just let me do this. Let me just put it on the stage because I think if I can do this I can get Arthur Fogel's attention.' And I did."

Lady Gaga's gamble paid off, and Arthur Fogel offered her a lucrative deal.
"I remember he called me and he said, 'We want to do this'. And he got Live Nation to write me a $40 million check. And it changed my life and the life of my whole family."
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