The tantalizing Idris Elba is the only child of a Sierra Leonean father and Ghanaian mother. Elba is an award winning actor who has successfully bridged the gap between the British and American film industry. He is also one of the hottest DJs' in the United Kingdom, he DJs' under "Big Driis the Londoner".
Born into an African family, the Ebola pandemic hits too close to home for Elba. Worrying about his extended family in Sierra Leonon, he urges government officials to use forceful action against the virus. Elba also uses fame to help spread the word rapidly, he wrote a personal email to 6 million members of the ONE organization.
“…I want to utilize my fame to give a message…..I’m going viral to fight the virus…” –Idris Elba
Although still in embryonic stages, Elba is working on an “Amber Alert” for anyone with a mobile device in West Africa. This alert will provide accurate up-to-date information on prevention and cure facilities.
"If you care about any part of the world you should care about Ebola” –Idris Elba
The question to you is this: Idris Elba’s mother is Ghanaian but he has never visited Ghana, should Elba visit Ghana to talk about Ebola prevention?
Culled from ABCNews
Idris Elba
Idris Elba
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