26-year-old student robs, kills boyfriend she met on Badoo for cash

In a case of social media love gone sour, a polytechnic student and her friends robbed her lover she met on Badoo. After cleaning his bank account, she killed him with the assistance of her gang and says it's all because he gave her more sex than money.

Killer lover, Loretta Odikagbo and accomplice Ime Francis Moses Jnr Tribune

A 26-year-old student of the Rivers State Polytechnic, Bori, Loretta Odikagbo, has killed her lover because he was having sex with her but failed to give her as much money as she wanted.

According to a Tribune report, Loretta killed her victim, Charles Bankole Orisanya, an indigene of Akoko, Ondo State, whom she met on dating site Badoo, with the help of two accomplices.

Late Orisanya, until his death an employee ofHalliburton Company, Trans-Amadi, Rivers State, was brutally murdered by Loretta and her gang on the 19th of September, 2014.

Student Pulse gathered that Orisanya's mouth, hand and legs were taped after which Louretta covered his head with a polythene bag and sat on him until he choked to death.

One of the accomplices, Ime Francis Moses Jnr., said he assisted in the murder by gripping the deceased’s neck until he became unresponsive.

Luck ran out on them and she was arrested on the 9th of December after investigations by the Homicide Department of the Rivers State Police Command.

She told police after her arrest that she killed her lover because he was not as forthcoming with money as she had expected.

“The basis of it all was money. When I met him, it was all promises upon promises. Along the line, the sex was going on and the money was not coming," she said.

"He would give me N10,000, N15,000 but that was not what I expected from him."

Louretta may have also been motivated by jealousy, revealing that she found out that he had lied to her about his relationship status.

"Also when we first met, to me, he was a single man but along the line, I discovered he was married," she said.

The murder is a case of love turned sour, after they made physical contact following their ill-fated meeting on the relatively popular dating site.

On the day he was killed, Louretta had taken two men along after Orisanya invited her to his home.

The men hid while she made love with her man.

She later opened the door for the killers who bound Orisanya limbs, brandishing a gun-like object.

They took his ATM card and coerced him into giving them his password.

Louretta then went to an Automated Teller Machine and emptied his account.

Not satisfied, she returned and strangled him.

Aafter Orisanya died, the two men made away with his personal items leaving his phone and laptop for Loretta.

Louretta has confessed to organising the robbery so as to "get the money forcefully from Bankole" but she also claims that she did not participate in the actual killing.

“I took Bankole’s LG phone while his laptop was brought to me the following day by my in-law. I can’t remember what the other guy took from Bankole’s house. I didn’t know anything about the polythene that was used to cover his head.”

But one of the accomplices, Moses, says the strangulation was her doing.

“She came out, went to the kitchen, brought a polythene bag and said that if I did not assist her in killing the man, if the bubble burst, I would be the first person she would mention," he said.

"She covered the man’s head with the polythene bag and sat on his head while I assisted her in holding the man’s neck until he became motionless."

The Police Public Relations Office of the Rivers State Police Command, DSP Ahmad Muhammad, confirmed the story, adding that it was still under investigation


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