High blood pressure and driving

High Blood Pressure or Hypertension is a very chronic medical condition in which the blood pressure is elevated.
This is a situation where the systolic blood pressure (when the heart beats) is equal to or greater than 140mmHg and/or a diastolic blood pressure (when the heart rests) is equal to or greater than 90mmHg. Essentially, blood pressure is created by the force of blood pushing against the walls of the blood vessels or arteries as it is pumped by the heart. Therefore, the higher the pressure, the harder the heart has to pump to enhance the movement of blood from the heart to the brain and other parts of the body in the vessels.
Globally, high blood pressure is responsible for 9.4million deaths every year with 1.5billion people being afflicted by high blood pressure. It has been rated as the biggest single risk factor for death worldwide, causing heart attack, stroke, kidney disease and diabetes.
According to the World Health Organisation, up to 50 per cent of the adults in many African countries are facing the challenges of high blood pressure or hypertension and the rate is still on the increase particularly with the high rate of poverty in the countries.
Reports have shown that many people have high blood pressure for years without knowing it. Most of the time, there are no symptoms but if it goes untreated for a prolonged period of time, it could damage the arteries and some vital organs in the body. This is one of the reasons why high blood pressure is called a silent killer or a ticking time bomb.
The symptoms of high blood pressure include headache, shortness of breath, dizziness, chestpain, palpitation of the heart, fainting, nose bleeding and tremor.
A pathetic news about high blood pressure is that it can quietly damage the body of its victim for years before the manifestation of the symptoms thereby causing damage to the arteries, brain, heart, kidneys, eyes, and several organs.
Be that as it may, the good news however is that high blood pressure can be prevented, managed or even cured.
My main focus in this article is on the possible effects of high blood pressure on driving. Driving is a very complex task which involves the simultaneously use of several organs of the body in a continuously changing environment to ensure effective and safe vehicle control.
Normal blood pressure levels (less than or equal to 120/80) are good for the efficient functioning of the vital organs of the body which includes the heart, kidneys and brain. Normal blood pressure is also good for the overall health and wellbeing of drivers and other people.
If the resting blood pressure of a driver is consistently 180mmHg systolic or more and/or 100mmHg diastolic or more, then he or she should not drive a car, bus or large truck.
The medical standards for driving buses and large trucks are much higher than for those driving cars and motorcycles. This is because bus and trucks are larger and heavier. They are also more often driven on long distance balance, expedient for every organ required for effective and safe driving to be in good working condition for the required co-ordination of the complex task of driving.
Some accident reports revealed situations where drivers lost control of their vehicles after suffering from the fallouts of high blood pressure such as heart attack, stroke and black out or fainting.
Research has shown that high blood pressure can affect driving in the following areas;
Impaired judgment in terms of wrong risk assessment, hazard perception and faulty emergency decision – making.
Poor co-ordination, steering, braking and maneuvering (including poor interpretation of information).
Show reaction time needed to respond to driving situations.
Incoherent tracking – inability to stay in the lane and maintain the safe following distance, lateral spacing and clearance from other obstacles.
Prostrated high blood pressure may increase the risk of Glaucoma and blindness.
Poor attention for information gathering with the eyes, nose and ears.
Poor perception for glare resistance, dark and light adaptation as well as poor visual acuity.
High blood pressure over-the-counter and prescribed could also cause some negative reactions that can work against safe driving. These include drowsiness, nausea, blurred vision, inability to think clearly, poor co-ordination and judgment.
Drivers who have high blood pressure and are on medication or drugs must endeavour to know the side effects of the drugs they use.
It should also be noted that low blood pressure (the opposite of high blood pressure)can result to weakness of the body, joint pains, dizziness, blurred vision, confusion, blackout or fainting. This is also dangerous to driving which requires concentration, effective co-ordination and control. It must therefore be avoided just like high blood pressure.
The healthier a driver is, the better he or she will be to drive effectively and safety.
It is required that Drivers should do a routine checkup because they do a stressful job and/or if they have a family history or hypertension. A stitch in time saves nine.
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