First Wonder Woman set photos released
Following an instragram post last week that gave fans their first look at Chris Pine's character in Wonder Woman, a crop of new photos from the film's set have been released and posted on Imgur. The photos don't give away too much, but there's certainly some information that can finally be confirmed.
In the first photo, which seems to be the most telling of all, there's a sign that states, "French money exchanged here for officers and soldiers in uniform" and sits directly above two British flags. It was previously reported that one of the eras Wonder Woman would take place in was during the first World War.
Based on the style of uniform and the aforementioned signs, it looks like that will definitely be the case, with Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman potentially meeting Chris Pine's Steve Trevor for the first time in London.
Speaking of Pine's Steve Trevor, the photos also give us a closer look at his character's style. His hair has been shaved off and he's sporting an era-appropriate hat and a beige turtleneck that inspire memories of Leonardo DiCaprio at the very beginning of Titanic.
In comparison to Gadot's classy outfit, it's a bit of a poorer look, but that feels very intentional. The two are coming from extremely different worlds, and this feels like an aesthetic tool to get that message across.
There's not much else going on, but Gadot's costume deserves a second look. With the professional button-down jacket, Gadot looks like an officer of some sort.
More photos are sure to come out as filming continues, but don't expect to see official footage anytime soon. Wonder Woman isn't set to be released for another year and a half, with production just getting underway now.
For those anxious to see Gadot's Wonder Woman, however, you can catch your first glimpse in Zack Snyder's upcoming Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. The film hits theaters on March 25, 2016.
CesarPerez on Imgur
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