This Woman Has Spent $30,000 to Look Like Kim Kardashian
She says it's her way of overcoming childhood bullying
Wanna look more like Kim Kardashian? Well, if you really commit, it could cost you some serious dough.
In Claire Leeson’s case, looking like Kim has cost around $30,000. The English woman appeared on U.K. talk show This Morningyesterday to talk about her Kardashianization process, which has included breast implants, teeth whitening, hair extensions, make-up, spray tans, nails, and lots of shoes and clothes. Oh, also butt padding, obviously.
Check out the results:

Leeson says she was bullied and called ugly as a child, and this is all part of overcoming that.
Next she’ll just have to find a man willing to to drop $30,000 to look like Kanye.
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